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HEC Bloggers: African Week Dinner

Sunday, February 11, 2007

African Week Dinner

After another hectic week of studies, assignments, presentation and so was time to chill little bit with everyone at Hall D'honneur .

It was final day of African week and it was celebrated with excellent dinner and colorful events.
The event was marked by fashion show and later on by spectacular belly dance performance.
phew!!!!!!Great to see emerging models within the MBA.

To win the Maroc ticket various contestants had to dance on African music. It was interesting as it was an improptu presentation. Ofcourse we had our esteemed judges to decide the best dancer and the winner.

The whole evening was full of fun and excitement. And finally it was dance time!!!!!!!

Another event of cultural exchange. This is what I like about MBA . It gives you an opportunity to learn, learn and learn something new each day.

Even after the event was finished at Hall D'honneur, the party continued at PIANO BAR until late in the morning.

Another week came to an end with a positive feeling as already lot of cultural exchange had taken place in few hours of time.

Please click on the link below to see the pics from the event

My Public Shoebox


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